Site planning history
Planning History of Eastern Site Parcel
The Eastern site parcel received an approval for Clay Extraction Minerals consent on January 21 2016. This approval, if implemented would involve the extraction of 15,000 tonnes of clay per year for over 18 years.
This would cause significant disruption to the immediate landscape to the east of Leyhill Road with regards to noise, dust and traffic movements for at least 18 years and would result in no ecology or biodiversity benefits from this use as the site area of 11.6ha would have to be worked for the full 18-year period.
Traffic movements related to the Clay Extraction consent project would be 40 movements per day whilst operational, which means 20 trucks into the site to be loaded and then 20 trucks out with Clay.
The effects and impacts of the Clay Extraction consent are considered to be significantly more intense in terms of long-term impacts than the proposals BSR is now bringing forward for consideration, which we hope is welcome news in contrast.