Community benefit

As part of the proposal, BSR will create a fund that would hold up to £116,400 which would directly benefit local residents. 

BSR is also open to considering the use of some / all of this fund to deliver a community space next to the PRoW that runs through the site.

Some ideas for this area include a wildflower meadow or some picnic benches with some information boards.

We would welcome feedback on how you would like this fund to be allocated and your ideas can be provided as part of our feedback survey (available here). 


BSR takes great pride in its commitment to improving biodiversity and the environment on all of its sites. Whilst the proposal for the site at Pudds Cross is being finalised, BSR will ensure that the statutory requirements for Biodiversity Net Gain of 10% are far exceeded, with at least a minimum of 60% achieved. BSR always seeks to go above and beyond requirements in this area and is working on some exciting environmental initiatives on some of its other sites, including: